
International Trading & Procurement

Thank you for visiting our International Trading & Procurement webpage. TGA has very strong established connections worldwide and through its numerous relationships, is able to offer its Customers a unique and efficient service at the most competitive prices at the time.
We know two vitally important values:
a. We know how to say “No, sorry we cannot help you”.
b. There is always someone out there offering a lower price
(what stands behind that lower price is anyone’s guess).

We are very focused on our responsibilities to our Customers and will move mountains to ensure that every transaction, small or large, receives the same respect, attention and regard. As much as the Internet is certainly a magnificent facility, we are able to sort out the genuine players, both Buyers and Suppliers, from the “virtual” fantasizing multi-millionaire super-traders who are doing “transactions” daily over the Internet but never do any real business and never see a penny.

Please don’t hesitate to take advantage of our decades of experience in sourcing commodities, products and services and permit us to do the leg work saving you the time and effort of sourcing genuine Buyers and/or Suppliers.

TGA unconditionally guarantee that all our Buyers and Suppliers are genuine and our products and services are of the highest standards and integrity and we strive to provide the most competitive prices. We are confident that you will find us to be efficient, honorable and pleasant trading partners at all times. Generally, transactions that involve middle-men will fail for all the obvious reasons. Don’t allow your business is be tested or threatened by allowing inexperienced traders into your realm – that’s a sure recipe for failure.

We trust that today will be the beginning of a mutually beneficial long-term business relationship. We are only here for the long term!

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